Thursday, October 15, 2009

New Home

I have found a new home. Please visit me at Toes in the Sand.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Omelette :: Cheese

  2. Classic :: car

  3. Thrifty :: smart

  4. Search :: google

  5. Fan :: baseball

  6. Fussy :: baby

  7. I am not :: awake

  8. Indulge :: chocolate

  9. Poor :: posture

  10. Manicure :: french

If you would like to try this got to LunaNina.

Friday, August 14, 2009


I was able to see my lab results today. They are not great, but they are not that terrible. My blood pressure, blood sugar & cholesterol were elevated. I will have to get them monitored. But I have taken the very first step today. I have gone back to SparkPeople to track my weight, food intake, and just for inspiration. I also restarted my 30 Day Challenge on the Wii Active. I did 20 minutes today. I know that they recommend that you exercise for 30 minutes a day, but I promise you I barely made it to 20 minutes. At one point I was doing squats and my personal trainer said that my thighs will thank me in the morning. I said maybe, but my ass will be hating it.

But I did it. I did that, I have watched what I ate. I have drank my limit of water and I am feeling a little bit better. That is all that matters.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


I went to the doctor yesterday for blood work and was told that my blood pressure was really high. How bad was it?? 140/100!! I have never had high blood pressure. My blood pressure did get a little high towards the end of my pregnancy with Dragon. I was induced because of it. It continued to get higher as my labor progressed and that was a concern.

I need to go back to the doctor in 2 weeks to get the results of my blood work. I am a little bit worried, I have a family history of high blood pressure and heart disease. I am almost certain that I will go on some sort of medicine for either my hbp OR my weight. Yes I am overweight and I know it. I just cannot seem to find the time in the day when I can exercise. But I will be making a better effort of it from now on.

I did some research and found out that if I lost only 15lbs, ate a low fat diet(cut back on the cheese & mayo), and cut back on the salt, I could lower my blood pressure to normal. So starting tomorrow I will be doing a couple of things different. I will be tracking my calories again and adding exercise back into my day. I will also be eating more vegetarian foods.

I just want to be around when my kids have kids.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Life is too short!

Things could be a lot worse, the stress of the situation always could be worse, but I am alive and I have a lot to be thankful for - so I shall not waste my days with stress and frustrations - Life is too short! ~Catherine Pulsifer

The past few weeks have been some of the most stressful in my life. We have had a lot of drama in my life. Things that were out of my control. They have unfortunately had a negative impact on me. They have put my stress level so high that I cannot function. I have been getting stress headaches..they suck! The slightest thing I am taking wrong. I promise that I am not normally this bad.

I am trying to remember how to relax. I am trying to remember to take some time for myself. I get up in the mornings now to have some me time while the kids are still asleep. It seems to be helping. I starting working out again today. Of course, I was sooo tired from my 20 minute workout that I took a 20 minute nap! But that is OK. I plan on working out everyday so that I can hopefully relieve some of this stress.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Weight Loss

I need to loose weight. I know that it is something that everyone hears all the time. This time is different. My blood pressure is getting our of control. I am getting a little bit worried. My biological grandmother died from heart disease when I was in 6th I was 11. That was 23yrs ago. I am afraid that I am following in her footsteps. I do not want that to happen. I am going to make the change starting tomorrow. It will be a rough couple of days, but I am giving up sodas(yes again) and I am going to start working out again. I am going to start slow tomorrow. I will do 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the afternoon. I do not want to start off too gung-ho. I am still not feeling my best from the upper respiratory infection. I know that by just losing 10% of my weight that will help a lot. Losing just 10% of my weight will be huge. That is my goal..just 10% before we go to Disney World in December. If I am lucky enough to loose more..great!

So here is to starting off Monday on a much better note.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Out of the Mouth of Babes

Yesterday we were watching Wild Pacific. The show was discussing how 60% of the world's fishing is done in the Pacific Ocean. My son, Tracker, had a really strong response to this. He said that it was too much. The video showed fisherman stunning sharks and then cutting off their fins (DO NOT click on that link with kids around). Then they throw the fin-less shark back into the water. The shark cannot survive. It will sink to the bottom of the ocean and die a slow and painful death. Tracker was almost in tears. He could not understand why someone would do something so cruel. He could not understand why they did not use all the meat. I tried to explain that all they cared about was the $300/lb price tag. He said that they were nothing but selfish, greedy bullies. I was not sure what to say. I could not understand it myself. Why would someone be so cruel?? How do you answer that question?

The show goes on to discuss seine tuna fishing. I don't think that I have ever seen anything like this. The goal is to catch big tuna, but the other fish that are being caught and killed are unbelievable. The fisherman do not care that they are getting juvenile tuna, sharks, dolphins, sea turtles and who knows what other type of fish. They use scare tactics to keep the tuna in the net. Tuna must constantly swim to keep oxygen moving through their bodies. When the 'purse' is closed the tuna cannot swim and they panic. They release an acid that makes their meat not so good. So the goal is to get them out as fast as they can. The fish on the bottom of the net never had a they are killed for no reason.This had the biggest reaction from all of my children.

My children could not understand why they were allowed to fish this way. Why someone is not trying to stop them. Why there are not international fishing regulations that protect all marine life. Why are some not as treasured as others? I had no answers to all these questions for my kids. Tracker is an avid fisherman, but he said that you have a responsibility to treat the environment with respect. That you must fish responsibly. This came from a 10 yr old.

What can you do?

~Go to Seafood Watch and eat responsibly.
~Join the End of the Line Campaign.
~Go to Tread Lightly and learn how to be a responsible fisherman.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Menu until Sunday ****Updated****

Breakfast: cereal, toast
Lunch: Tuna salad sandwiches My kids are giving up tuna due to the commercial fishing. They believe that there should be more uniform regulations.
dinner: BBQ Tofu, roasted potatoes & onions, salad Fried tofu, peppers, red onions & black olives over orzo

Breakfast: pancakes, veggie sausage
lunch: homemade pizzas, salad
dinner: spaghetti, garlic bread, green beans & salad

Thursday: HARRY POTTER Movie Day!!!
Breakfast: veggie sausage biscuits, fruit cocktail
lunch: boys: packed lunches @ art class
squirrel, dh & I : picnic @ park
dinner: tortilla stack pie, mexican rice

Breakfast: baked oatmeal
Lunch: corn dogs, homemade mac & cheese
dinner: C.O.T.F.N. (clean out the fridge night.)

Saturday: Farmer's Market Day!!
Breakfast: pancakes, veggie sausage
lunch: salads
dinner: Farmer's Market finds

Breakfast: hard boiled eggs, fresh fruit, ham steak
Lunch: laws in town
dinner: tacos

Friday, June 5, 2009

Garden Photos

I took these pictures about 10 days ago. I just have not had the chance to get them up yet.

Unfortunately that night we had a bad thunderstorm with hail. The next morning 2 of my yellow squash plants died. I am not sure if it was the storm or if they were just done producing. From my 4 yellow squash plants we had at least 20 squash. I was hoping to get more, but hey that is ok. I still have 2 plants and one is starting to produce again. I will say that these squash took over their beds. They choked out hubby's raspberry tree (he planted them in the bed, not me. I wanted them to be next to the blueberry tree). Right now my patty pan squash is doing wonderful. My tomatoes are ok, they need a little TLC. I will say that one of my tomato plants has 14 bunches of roma tomatoes. My mouth is watering thinking about getting into them. Yummy!!!

Some might remember our compost pumpkins from last year. This year we have more things growing in our compost pile. I think that they are pumpkins, but I am not sure.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

30 Day Challenge

Dh just bought me EA Sports Active for our Wii. I had heard wonderful things about it. I could not wait to try it. I set up my profile, set up my first workout. I thought that there was no way I could get the kind of workout that I needed in the alloted 19:22 minutes. Well let me tell legs hurt like hell. OMG! Who would of thought that in 19 minutes I would work my thighs so much. I did not want to move yesterday! My legs are not quite as sore today. I will officially start my 30 Day challenge tomorrow. I cannot wait!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

This is what I have been waiting for...


I have been waiting for fresh zucchini and yellow squash. The yellow squash is fresh from my garden. Yummy!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

This is How I Spent the Morning...

I am not a very good dental patient. I was in the chair for 3hrs getting a deep clean. There is a more technical term, but it rather gross. I can only have soft foods. I cannot talk too much because it is painful! The kids LOVE it!! My sweetie has taken very good care of me today. He has given me medicine, taken the kids out many times so that I could rest and even made me some yummy mashed potatoes. He has taken the kiddos for bike rides, to the store and right now they are at the playground do that I can rest. He is definitely one in a million!!

photo courtesy of here.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Eating at Home

I was reading Krys' blog post about cooking with her kids and eating out. She mentioned that she eats out only a few times a month. I mentioned that I eat out way too much. How much is too much? I would guess that we have been eating out twice a week. That is too much. We are trying to get back to a healthier lifestyle, not to mention save money for our vacation. So... I am going to start an Eating @ Home Challenge for myself. My short term goal is to eat at home every meal for 10 days. I am currently on day #5. Once I complete 10 days I want to shoot for 15 days, then 30. That means no drive thrus, pizza buffet, or Beef O'Bradys.

Memorial Day

Memorial Day
Edgar Guest

The finest tribute we can pay
Unto our hero dead today,
Is not a rose wreath, white and red,
In memory of the blood they shed;
It is to stand beside each mound,
Each couch of consecrated ground,
And pledge ourselves as warriors true
Unto the work they died to do.

Into God's valleys where they lie
At rest, beneath the open sky,
Triumphant now o'er every foe,
As living tributes let us go.
No wreath of rose or immortelles
Or spoken word or tolling bells
Will do to-day, unless we give
Our pledge that liberty shall live.

Our hearts must be the roses red
We place above our hero dead;
Today beside their graves we must
Renew allegiance to their trust;
Must bare our heads and humbly say
We hold the Flag as dear as they,
And stand, as once they stood, to die
To keep the Stars and Stripes on high.

The finest tribute we can pay
Unto our hero dead today
Is not of speech or roses red,
But living, throbbing hearts instead,
That shall renew the pledge they sealed
With death upon the battlefield:
That freedom's flag shall bear no stain
And free men wear no tyrant's chain.

Thank you to all the military men, women & their families.

Graphics Courtesy of Free ClipArt & Lil' Docs

Sunday, May 24, 2009


I borrowed Veganomicon from the library. I wanted to try some of the recipes before buying it. So far everything that we have tried has been wonderful. So far we have only tried 2 of the recipes, but I love it. I still have a long list of things that I would like to try. I will post pictures just as soon as I charge my camera battery. The camera told me that the battery was exhausted. I had to wait for dh to get home with the car before I can transfer the photos.

Speaking of Dh, his birthday present came a few days early. I bought Isa's brand new cookbook: Vegan Brunch: Homestyle Recipes Worth Waking Up For. He was thrilled when he opened the box. He has been reading it for the past few days. He just mentioned to me that he cannot wait to try some of the recipes. I guess I know what I will be cooking for breakfast this week. :)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

I Am Poem

I have been organizing our school paperwork. I recently found a poem that the children and I did a few months ago. It is called I Am Poem. You fill in the blanks. The children did a really good job. You can view theirs over at Learning Adventures. I thought that I would share mine. I had my children help me with the first line.

I Am Poem

I am beautiful and smart
I wonder what my kids will grow up to be
I hear faeries laughing
I see faeries
I want to live to see my grandkids
I am beautiful and smart
I pretend to be perfect
I feel an angel's kiss
I touch a rainbow
I worry about the future
I cry when my family is sad
I am beautiful and smart
I understand that no one is perfect
I say you can do anything, if you try
I dream about life after kids
I try to be a good person
I hope that my kids are happy
I am beautiful and smart.

I learned a lot about my children through their poems. They gave me somethings to think about. I am going to have them redo their poems this week. I am interested to see how their thoughts and feelings have changed.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Cypress Gardens


I took this while paddling a boat through a blackwater swamp. We had so much fun.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I had this for a roomie...

When I first moved in with Fire Rat he had a pet. It was only a lizard, nothing major. Well we were wrong. Dookie was 5ft long when I moved into the little apartment. See...just a little lizard. NOT.
This is not Dookie. This is a lizard that we saw last week at Cypress Garden. Back to our story. One night we went back to bed and Dookie was missing. We could not find Dookie anywhere. We were moving furniture at 3am trying to find it (did I mention that we lived in a 3rd floor apartment?). We finally found it under our dresser. Dookie escaped a couple more times. We took Dookie to an reptile park. While there we learned that Dookie was a female. She was made because I took her man away. She was very, very possive of Fire Rat. She was very destructive of my things. She escaped one other time and trashed my clothes. She clawed and knocked over anything with my scent on it. Needless to say we needed to find her a new home. I never knew that lizards would be possessive of their humans.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Are You Worth IT?

I have been thinking of this question since Tuesday night. I was watching the Biggest Loser and it hit me. I do not think that I am worth it. I don't think that I deserve to have an awesome husband, great kids and anything else. I don't think that I am worthy of my husband. I am constantly in fear that one day he will wake up and say..I don't love you. I want a divorce. Why would I think this.. he did once 12 years ago.

I beat myself up constantly, mentally that is. If I was a good wife I would be doing _____ instead of this. IF I was a good mom I would know this_________ already. If I was a good person, than I would have x, y & z.

Anywho, back to The Biggest Loser. Tara was talking about how she finally found that she was worth all the work. That she was worthy of having the life that she always wanted. I just sat there nodding my head. Yes, I know that feeling. I know that not worthy feeling very well. I go through it all the time. I have never been one for self confidence. Never. It does not help that growing up if my father saw a heavy woman he would make comments. He would say that they were disgusting fat cows. Well guess what dad, I am now that disgusting fat cow. My mom never looks at me the same when I am overweight. Whenever I loss weight she treats me completely differently. I am not sure if she realizes it.

I know that I am struggling with a mild form of depression right now. It is hard not to in my house. My kitchen is not done, my living room will not be painted for Mother's Day like I asked. The one thing that I asked for for Mother's Day won't happen. I don't ask for much ever. I don't think that I deserve it. I ask for very little when it comes to myself. But I have been living in a messy disorganized kitchen for 3 months now and I am tired of it. I have asked for help, but not gotten it. When I ask for help I have to beg and sometimes I have to yell. I flipppin hate that! Asking my 11yr to do this dishes is like pulling flippin teeth. I am tired of feeling like a tightrope walker. I am constantly trying not to say the wrong thing to anyone. If I say the wrong thing to dh, well the day is screwed. If I say the wrong thing to ds the day is screwed. If I do not let him do what he wants, he bitches and moans the entire day to the point that everyone is in a shitty mood. Oh and heaven forbid if dh is on the end of one of ds' little attitude problems. That ruins everything. I am just so tired with it all. It never seems to stop. My youngest boy has now gotten to show his temper and let me tell you it can be scary. Not like my oldest, but still scary. He will destroy his room. He will eventually calm down and apologize. Dh does not see the correlation of his temper to how the boys handle theirs. I know that my reactions can set them off. I do my best, I am trying to get better. I know that I cannot tell my kids one thing and do another. But I cannot do this all by myself. I have tried to explain to dh we need to show them a better way of handling things. It is as if I am talking to a brick wall.

I know that couseling would help my family, but I don't know if we could do that right now. Dh's schedule is so wacky. I think that it would be a good thing. I might just have to make it work.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Monday Goals

Fitness goals:
Do netflix video: 30 mins Done..I did the Leslie Sansone for 41 min.
Wii Fit: 30 minutes
Drink 8 glasses of water
Get the kids active for 30 minutes... Done
Keep track of my food intake for the day...Done too many carbs & cholestoral

tame Mt. Laundry..working on it
clean bathroom
clean bedroom
vacuum Squirrel's room...working on it
take out sewing machine
plant a few seedlings & weed garden-DONE

work on cross stitch for 30 minutes
read for 30 minutes

breakfast: scrambled eggs, has browns & veggie sausage
Lunch: tofu salad
dinner: easy eggplant, salad and orzo. I might add some bread.
Make Ahead:
spaghetti sauce for tomorrow night...Change of plans.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Things like that don't happen here...

I have been saying that here lately. I mean, most people see things on the news and think 'that won't happen here'. Well that all changed on April 22. If you have been watching the news, you might know about a wildfire on the coast of SC. Many, many residents have been evacuated. Most were woken up at 3:30am with a knock on the door. They were not given the opportunity to grab anything. They just had to leave. The fire has destroyed or damaged many of their houses.

The severity of the fire did not hit me until yesterday. I was able to completely see the smoke. I have seen the smoke before, but my view was blocked by trees. Yesterday there were no trees, no buildings blocking my view. It was heart wrenching. Every time the smoke turned black, I knew that someone had just lost their house. It was at that moment that I realized just how lucky I was. If the wind had been blowing in the opposite direction on Wednesday I would be the one in a shelter.

I must say that our community ROCKS!! There are hotels offering free rooms, property management companies that are offering a place to say and there are private citizens that are opening up their homes. The restaurants are stepping up to the plate as well. Many of them are offering food to those displaced. They are feeding the hundreds of men and women fighting the blaze. We have the National Guard from SC and NC flying helicopters to drop water from their Bambi buckets. We have fire departments from all along the coast and SC coming here. The Red Cross has been at the command center since the fire began. They have been helping those displaced and the fire crews. They were on the scene when the first homes were evacuated and they will be there until the very last moment.

Sometimes life proves that Heroes are just ordinary people who do extraordinary things.

Friday, April 17, 2009

vegetarian Tortilla Stack

This picture really does not do the meal justice. It was one of the best meals that I have ever had. We also had some mexican rice on the side. The rice was a little bit wet, but that is ok. I am going to fool with the recipe some before I share it.

Dh love Mexican food. I just do not make it very often anymore. I am going to have to try and make something along these lines at least 2 times a month.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Hummingbird Cross Stitch

For the first time in almost 7 years I did some cross stitch. I decided to start doing cross stitch again to give me something else to do. I missed doing my own craft projects.

I forgot how much I enjoyed it. Here is the pattern that I chose to do first. My needlework was ok. I made some mistakes, but caught them right away. However, I messed up big time when I tried to pick it up again. The floss got tangled in the back. They say that the back should be as smooth as the front. Well mine is not that way. This is what it looked like when I put it up for the night.

Monster Salad

After working out last night all I wanted was a big salad. Well I made a huge salad. It was so big that I could not finish it all. I added broccoli, chickpeas, black olives, cherry tomatoes, red onion, carrots, shredded cheese and imitation krab. OMG it was wonderful.

Broccoli & Pasta

I could not decide what to have for dinner one night so I went to the old stand by pasta. I added fried tofu, broccoli, onions & peppers. My kids ate the entire thing.

Salt & Pepper Tofu

I love it when dh cooks. He made us Salt & Pepper Tofu, fried rice and steamed broccoli. It was delicious!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A New Beginning

Yesterday I did 30 minutes on the stationary bike. I loved it. Time seemed to melt away. I just need to increase my level. I think that I did it a little too easy yesterday, but that is OK. I am starting back up on my calorie counting. I am going to get better. I need to just get back into the routine of it.

Starting Monday I will post my goals for the week. I will also update them throughout the week. Until I get those set up I will post a daily goal list.

Today's Goals:
3 mile walking workout (36mins)- I did 2 miles for a total of 24mins.
30 minutes Wii Fit- DONE
No more candy (I had 2 pieces early)
drink 8 glasses of water

How do you keep yourself motivated?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Savings and Budgets

I did not know anything about finances growing up. I did not save a thing. I did not think about retirement or living on a budget. I grew up in a house where money was not discussed. I thought that bill collectors calling were normal.I did not know that my mom had to go back to work because we were on the verge of losing our house.

It is my goal to learn as much as I can. I want to learn about setting up a budget (and sticking to it) and saving for our retirement. Like many Americans, my husband pension has taken a hit in the stock market lately. He lost a lot of money this past year. I would also love to pay off our truck before it is due. I also need to start saving for our vacation in the fall.

I am going to tackle each of these as a different post.

Monday, April 13, 2009


I am giving myself a goal for the next month: get better organized. I have always wanted to be better organized, but I cannot concentration long enough to follow through. I have always started with a bang, but then just do not follow through. In researching ADD for Tracker, I have learned that I have many of the characteristics of ADD as well.

I just found a new website ADDITUDE. I absolutely love it. They have lots of tips that will hopefully help my family. My husband and I have been talking about changing Tracker's diet already. We are also trying to find ways to help him recognize when he has just had enough.

I am hoping that this blog will help me keep track of my progress.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Weekly Menu 4/12-4/18

I am not going to assign a day to the meals this week. We are going to be painting the living room & dining room this week. I thought that it would be easier to just 'pull' from the list.


Whole Wheat Pancakes with Bananas and Pecans
bagels with cream cheese
egg white sandwiches
omeletes, biscuits & home fries
Coffee Cake & greek yogurt

pita pizzas
sandwiches & chips
salad & baked potato
Park Day picnic (pan seared black bean dumplings, hummus & crackers or veggies & ???)
veggie dogs & Annie's Mac & Cheese

Creamy Spinach Lasagna, bread sticks, string beans, salad
Vegetarian Tortilla Stack, mexican rice, and salad
General Taos Fried Tofu with broccoli
Homemade pizza
Awesome vegetarian Barbeque crockpot dish
Date Night(no clue??)
Spaghetti & homemade sauce

Homemade soft pretzels
fresh fruit
hummus & baby carrots, celery
peanut butter crackers

For many, many more wonderful ideas check out Organizing Junkie.

Happy Easter

image courtesy of Free Clipart

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Cleaning Help Needed...

I have sliding glass doors in my dining room. I cannot keep the door tracks clean for anything. They are white and everything gets trapped in them. Any tips? I found some tips over at Thrifty Fun.

Wii Fit Anyone?

We have a Wii Fit. My family loves it. Everyone in my family uses the Wii Fit almost daily. I have not been consistent on it, but I will get better. My children are beyond amazing on it. They have all the high scores!! I need to get on their and beat them.

I want to get a few more games for it.

Monday, April 6, 2009

So Embarassed!!!

I joined a gym. Yes I did. I thought that it would be great for me to workout while my rugrats were taking swim lessons. Well I lasted a total of 7 minutes on the elliptical machine. Yep you read that right...SEVEN MINUTES!! I thought that my legs would fall off. I was also very self conscience. I did not know how to use the machines. I even asked dh to show me and he left me high and dry to go to his machine..the one that he likes.

I don't like working out in front of other people! So this was a big deal for me. I have not worked out since then. I might go Wednesday, but for now I am going to stick with the house.

When swimming starts back up next week I will bring a book and ride a bike. I know that I won't make an ass of myself on that. Atleast, I hope not.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Jumping For Joy

I am jumping up and down right now. Yesterday I went to Cato's and bought a pair of sweats. They are 18/20. I told dh that they are my new goal pants. I want to be able to fit in them. Well I tried them on the am to see how far I need to go and THEY FIT!!! They actually fit. They were a little tight on the mommy pouch but other than that they fit perfectly!! I decided to try on a shirt that dh got for free over the weekend. The shirt is an XL, it also fit. Not a fit that you want to wear out in public but a I can actually fit in an XL shirt. If, no I mean when I loose another 5lbs and a couple of inches I am going to fit much better in the clothing.

Now I am know what size to go buy some new tshirts....XL!!! I need new shirts desperately. All of mine have stains and look like they are left over maternity shirts. I have had some for 7 years. I think that I have gotten my money's worth.

On another note I am also in a size 20 bathing suit!!! That is huge for me being that I live at the beach. I think that the next greatest thing will be when I can fit in an 16. That is my next goal!!! I better start saving some $$$$.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Taking it Easy!

Today I am having to take it a little bit easy. Evidently, jumping jacks is too high of an impact for my knee. I woke up this morning with a little bit of pain. My resident firefighter(ff) told me that I needed to take it easy. I just love it when my man spoils me. I still managed to get a work out in. I did only 2 miles on the Leslie Sansone's walking video. I figured that after a week I could figure out how to lower the impact. During that last 1/2 mile I was really wondering what the hell I was thinking, but I kept at it. I was hoping to take my kids for a bike ride today, but I am not sure if that will happen or not. I just want to go outside and enjoy this beautiful weather.

Do you watch the Biggest Loser?? The season premiere is tonight. I cannot wait. Thank goodness I have DVR to record some other shows.

I did go to this site today to find out what my ideal weight and BMI should be. What I found out is that I am gravely obese. But I am not that far from just being obese. It doesn't seem like there is that big of a difference, I think that it is 10lbs from where I am now. I can do that. That is my new goal right get my BMI down to where I am no longer considered gravely obese.

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