Sunday, May 31, 2009

30 Day Challenge

Dh just bought me EA Sports Active for our Wii. I had heard wonderful things about it. I could not wait to try it. I set up my profile, set up my first workout. I thought that there was no way I could get the kind of workout that I needed in the alloted 19:22 minutes. Well let me tell legs hurt like hell. OMG! Who would of thought that in 19 minutes I would work my thighs so much. I did not want to move yesterday! My legs are not quite as sore today. I will officially start my 30 Day challenge tomorrow. I cannot wait!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

This is what I have been waiting for...


I have been waiting for fresh zucchini and yellow squash. The yellow squash is fresh from my garden. Yummy!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

This is How I Spent the Morning...

I am not a very good dental patient. I was in the chair for 3hrs getting a deep clean. There is a more technical term, but it rather gross. I can only have soft foods. I cannot talk too much because it is painful! The kids LOVE it!! My sweetie has taken very good care of me today. He has given me medicine, taken the kids out many times so that I could rest and even made me some yummy mashed potatoes. He has taken the kiddos for bike rides, to the store and right now they are at the playground do that I can rest. He is definitely one in a million!!

photo courtesy of here.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Eating at Home

I was reading Krys' blog post about cooking with her kids and eating out. She mentioned that she eats out only a few times a month. I mentioned that I eat out way too much. How much is too much? I would guess that we have been eating out twice a week. That is too much. We are trying to get back to a healthier lifestyle, not to mention save money for our vacation. So... I am going to start an Eating @ Home Challenge for myself. My short term goal is to eat at home every meal for 10 days. I am currently on day #5. Once I complete 10 days I want to shoot for 15 days, then 30. That means no drive thrus, pizza buffet, or Beef O'Bradys.

Memorial Day

Memorial Day
Edgar Guest

The finest tribute we can pay
Unto our hero dead today,
Is not a rose wreath, white and red,
In memory of the blood they shed;
It is to stand beside each mound,
Each couch of consecrated ground,
And pledge ourselves as warriors true
Unto the work they died to do.

Into God's valleys where they lie
At rest, beneath the open sky,
Triumphant now o'er every foe,
As living tributes let us go.
No wreath of rose or immortelles
Or spoken word or tolling bells
Will do to-day, unless we give
Our pledge that liberty shall live.

Our hearts must be the roses red
We place above our hero dead;
Today beside their graves we must
Renew allegiance to their trust;
Must bare our heads and humbly say
We hold the Flag as dear as they,
And stand, as once they stood, to die
To keep the Stars and Stripes on high.

The finest tribute we can pay
Unto our hero dead today
Is not of speech or roses red,
But living, throbbing hearts instead,
That shall renew the pledge they sealed
With death upon the battlefield:
That freedom's flag shall bear no stain
And free men wear no tyrant's chain.

Thank you to all the military men, women & their families.

Graphics Courtesy of Free ClipArt & Lil' Docs

Sunday, May 24, 2009


I borrowed Veganomicon from the library. I wanted to try some of the recipes before buying it. So far everything that we have tried has been wonderful. So far we have only tried 2 of the recipes, but I love it. I still have a long list of things that I would like to try. I will post pictures just as soon as I charge my camera battery. The camera told me that the battery was exhausted. I had to wait for dh to get home with the car before I can transfer the photos.

Speaking of Dh, his birthday present came a few days early. I bought Isa's brand new cookbook: Vegan Brunch: Homestyle Recipes Worth Waking Up For. He was thrilled when he opened the box. He has been reading it for the past few days. He just mentioned to me that he cannot wait to try some of the recipes. I guess I know what I will be cooking for breakfast this week. :)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

I Am Poem

I have been organizing our school paperwork. I recently found a poem that the children and I did a few months ago. It is called I Am Poem. You fill in the blanks. The children did a really good job. You can view theirs over at Learning Adventures. I thought that I would share mine. I had my children help me with the first line.

I Am Poem

I am beautiful and smart
I wonder what my kids will grow up to be
I hear faeries laughing
I see faeries
I want to live to see my grandkids
I am beautiful and smart
I pretend to be perfect
I feel an angel's kiss
I touch a rainbow
I worry about the future
I cry when my family is sad
I am beautiful and smart
I understand that no one is perfect
I say you can do anything, if you try
I dream about life after kids
I try to be a good person
I hope that my kids are happy
I am beautiful and smart.

I learned a lot about my children through their poems. They gave me somethings to think about. I am going to have them redo their poems this week. I am interested to see how their thoughts and feelings have changed.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Cypress Gardens


I took this while paddling a boat through a blackwater swamp. We had so much fun.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I had this for a roomie...

When I first moved in with Fire Rat he had a pet. It was only a lizard, nothing major. Well we were wrong. Dookie was 5ft long when I moved into the little apartment. See...just a little lizard. NOT.
This is not Dookie. This is a lizard that we saw last week at Cypress Garden. Back to our story. One night we went back to bed and Dookie was missing. We could not find Dookie anywhere. We were moving furniture at 3am trying to find it (did I mention that we lived in a 3rd floor apartment?). We finally found it under our dresser. Dookie escaped a couple more times. We took Dookie to an reptile park. While there we learned that Dookie was a female. She was made because I took her man away. She was very, very possive of Fire Rat. She was very destructive of my things. She escaped one other time and trashed my clothes. She clawed and knocked over anything with my scent on it. Needless to say we needed to find her a new home. I never knew that lizards would be possessive of their humans.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Are You Worth IT?

I have been thinking of this question since Tuesday night. I was watching the Biggest Loser and it hit me. I do not think that I am worth it. I don't think that I deserve to have an awesome husband, great kids and anything else. I don't think that I am worthy of my husband. I am constantly in fear that one day he will wake up and say..I don't love you. I want a divorce. Why would I think this.. he did once 12 years ago.

I beat myself up constantly, mentally that is. If I was a good wife I would be doing _____ instead of this. IF I was a good mom I would know this_________ already. If I was a good person, than I would have x, y & z.

Anywho, back to The Biggest Loser. Tara was talking about how she finally found that she was worth all the work. That she was worthy of having the life that she always wanted. I just sat there nodding my head. Yes, I know that feeling. I know that not worthy feeling very well. I go through it all the time. I have never been one for self confidence. Never. It does not help that growing up if my father saw a heavy woman he would make comments. He would say that they were disgusting fat cows. Well guess what dad, I am now that disgusting fat cow. My mom never looks at me the same when I am overweight. Whenever I loss weight she treats me completely differently. I am not sure if she realizes it.

I know that I am struggling with a mild form of depression right now. It is hard not to in my house. My kitchen is not done, my living room will not be painted for Mother's Day like I asked. The one thing that I asked for for Mother's Day won't happen. I don't ask for much ever. I don't think that I deserve it. I ask for very little when it comes to myself. But I have been living in a messy disorganized kitchen for 3 months now and I am tired of it. I have asked for help, but not gotten it. When I ask for help I have to beg and sometimes I have to yell. I flipppin hate that! Asking my 11yr to do this dishes is like pulling flippin teeth. I am tired of feeling like a tightrope walker. I am constantly trying not to say the wrong thing to anyone. If I say the wrong thing to dh, well the day is screwed. If I say the wrong thing to ds the day is screwed. If I do not let him do what he wants, he bitches and moans the entire day to the point that everyone is in a shitty mood. Oh and heaven forbid if dh is on the end of one of ds' little attitude problems. That ruins everything. I am just so tired with it all. It never seems to stop. My youngest boy has now gotten to show his temper and let me tell you it can be scary. Not like my oldest, but still scary. He will destroy his room. He will eventually calm down and apologize. Dh does not see the correlation of his temper to how the boys handle theirs. I know that my reactions can set them off. I do my best, I am trying to get better. I know that I cannot tell my kids one thing and do another. But I cannot do this all by myself. I have tried to explain to dh we need to show them a better way of handling things. It is as if I am talking to a brick wall.

I know that couseling would help my family, but I don't know if we could do that right now. Dh's schedule is so wacky. I think that it would be a good thing. I might just have to make it work.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Monday Goals

Fitness goals:
Do netflix video: 30 mins Done..I did the Leslie Sansone for 41 min.
Wii Fit: 30 minutes
Drink 8 glasses of water
Get the kids active for 30 minutes... Done
Keep track of my food intake for the day...Done too many carbs & cholestoral

tame Mt. Laundry..working on it
clean bathroom
clean bedroom
vacuum Squirrel's room...working on it
take out sewing machine
plant a few seedlings & weed garden-DONE

work on cross stitch for 30 minutes
read for 30 minutes

breakfast: scrambled eggs, has browns & veggie sausage
Lunch: tofu salad
dinner: easy eggplant, salad and orzo. I might add some bread.
Make Ahead:
spaghetti sauce for tomorrow night...Change of plans.

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