Sunday, May 31, 2009

30 Day Challenge

Dh just bought me EA Sports Active for our Wii. I had heard wonderful things about it. I could not wait to try it. I set up my profile, set up my first workout. I thought that there was no way I could get the kind of workout that I needed in the alloted 19:22 minutes. Well let me tell legs hurt like hell. OMG! Who would of thought that in 19 minutes I would work my thighs so much. I did not want to move yesterday! My legs are not quite as sore today. I will officially start my 30 Day challenge tomorrow. I cannot wait!

1 comment:

Alison said...

I just got that, too! I have actually only used it once, but it was fun. It'll be a great addition to my regular workout. I don't like the resistance band it comes with, though. I think I am going to try those exercises with hand weights instead. Keep it up and good luck with the 30 Day Challenge!


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